The House on the Hill
Here’s a different view of the house. From the farm by Dakota’s pen. As you can see spring has sprung. Nice sunny days of around 14 C. Actually had to start wearing sunscreen since I got a burn on Wednesday. I see Ontario had another snow storm and drifting snow. Just sayin’. Pop quiz: How […]

Crane Man
Fortunately, Carlo of Carlo’s Cranes is a bit of a Rain Man on the crane. So, after a cancellation because of wind on Tuesday (of course), a miscommunication on Wednesday, me whining about not being able to snowboard with Dennis on Thursday, we finally got the perfect day to crane the trusses in on Friday. A beautiful, sunny, warm, windless day.

Can Truss It
Blood in the wood and it’s mine I’m chokin’ on, spit, feelin’ pain Like my brain bein’ chained Still gotta give it what I got – Public Enemy, Can’t Truss It I just liked the reference to blood in the wood. I realize that building a house is not like being captive in a slave […]

A poor referral to James Bond’s ancestral home. These titles are getting harder. Probably the lamest attempt so far. This is our deck off the master bedroom. Great view of the decrepit trailer. And a great view of the burn pile. Guess I better hang around when the burn happens. Wouldn’t want to start […]

Chinook Me All Night Long
I think that wins for one of the worst puns ever. Anyways, we went from -20º C last week to +5º C this week. Not one of my favourite days. Not only was I working in -10º C cold, but I tried to beat up a pry bar with my face. Picked the wrong battle […]

An Excessive Amount of Photos
Below are 25 photos of where we are now in The Build. Why so many? Why strain the patience of my friends & family? Because I used my camera (Panasonic DMC-LX7 – few years old but pretty good point & shoot) rather than my phone. They look way better with a Leica lens, and can […]

Starting To Look Like a House
Missed adding photos last week. Very sad news. My brother in law, Bill passed away last week. He was the biggest fan of this site, and wanted badly to see our house’s progress while in the hospital. I wish he could be around to see the house in it’s finished state. I was able to […]